Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Three More Love Poems -- JD Kruger, GLP4.

Cherry Beach, Toronto, Canada, JDK, GLP4.

‘The sunflower's big as my head,” she said
as petals licked her cheek.
And though the sun was behind the two
dancing stalk and scared crow
no shadows were cast on either face.

-- jd kruger, glp4.

it is not you i need

but your winter coat
s patterned pastel flowers
gardens against snow

-- jd kruger, glp4.

For W.B. Yeats

It fades from kiss to kiss. Without a word
the rhyme maintains the beating call, return!
Return and spur the flanks of lost souls, hard
endangered species, waltzing `round the urn
curling once about the glaze, falling deep
(huffing once with knowledge of the cheap-end
shadows, charring marrows) within cracks
like Lethe tributaries burning black...
There, only words, they're only words, just words:
trembling lips, vibrating chords, uttered breath.
While lovers grope with wings of transmigrating birds
for flight, swirling memories signify death.
Death, the excavator of my mind
pieces jig-saw artifacts, resigned.

-- jd kruger, glp4.

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