Friday, 4 April 2014

Man, The Social Animal -- Remembering Nobler Times -- JDK, GLP4

Man, The Social Animal -- JDK, GLP4.
The collective consciousness achieves its goal through the reification of

the fissures that open when the mind reaches its ultimate activity. Sewing

thought, we reap the dividends of an entire democratic will where individuals

signify their greatest achievement towards the collective gain. Individuation

veers towards alienation and intersubjectivity leads to the parties that govern the

masses. Only when an ideology consumes the faith of the masses can the

subconscious align with the conscious activity and the bubbles of thought alight

to the age of a socialist agenda. Given a state where the paradox of autonomy

and collectivity yearn for co-existence, some party can achieve what is best for

the nation. Most know that socialism is an economic system whereby the

individual receives the capital reward equaling that which he has done. “From

each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is a phrase that we

are all familiar with. However, what is the true metaphysical nature of a socialist

regime, beyond the simple economic picture? I believe it is the vision of a

collective mind at work. We are all part of the nexus of a collective mind, and we

need visionaries to distinguish the direction to which this collectivity is heading.

Our minds are living with a radar-like connectivity to each other. Thought

which is spiritualized unifies the masses. Autonomous and collective we strive to

attain what is best for our society. We must rely on our leaders, not just

bureaucrats, but visionaries, to lead us to a glorious future. The collective will

makes us stronger as individuals, not alienated or opposed, but unified in

confraternity, towards a greater tomorrow. The new human being awakened

from the great wars of the twentieth century, will lead us to a new battle, to

achieve peace, conquering the self, in a universal socialism of the twentieth


We know that everyone has needs. Yet, how do we determine what is

fitting to be received by any given person? In our socialist economy, competition

is engaged to determine the glory of any given individual. But there are basic

needs for any person. Food, clothing and shelter, medical care, education, are

all necessities for any given individual. And so, we tax the rich to care for the

poor. With the riches that our world possesses, we can pledge to achieve these

basic living standards for all who need them. Good will and multi-cultural

harmony will trigger a higher level of consciousness. We need to save, in order

to give life a positive inflection, in order to let love reign victorious. But we also

must fight to attain a positive self-image, and to project this image onto our

society as a whole. If we are to have propaganda, it should not be mere

consumerism, but a spiritualized existence, to let society know that one is not


We all know that money is not the transcendental signifier of life. But

materialist iconography is a fashion whereby individuals gain their signature. We

steal from history, the deep end of the collective mind, to expose out sociopolitical

values. Yet, there is no time to allow for these icons to dictate our

political aims. We must evolve by taking action into our own hands and allowing

a true democracy to take form, direct and immanent. Our social work is

necessary to allow for the less privileged to attain a positive role in society. The

irony, for example, of Che Guevera t-shirts, commodifying socialism, gives

material wealth to the dominant class, while those who wear these shirts believe

that they are supporting a socialist cause. Here, in Canada, we have a large

middle class, and therefore, our leaders cater to the needs of the bourgeouisie.

But the homeless, and those living in the state of poverty, are denied housing

and the ability to earn a living. In a socialist society, there would be no

unemployment, or homelessness. We must struggle to achieve an economy

whereby the class struggle would be conquered, while the individual still has the

need to compete to gain a more advanced livelihood. As anyone can see, this is

a political paradox. How do we encourage competition while still aiming for

economic equality. Perhaps, there is no real answer to this question, as our

society becomes more fascistic and capitalistic, and the lower class has less and

less. We can easily see that communism would not function properly in our

society, diminishing freedom and the individual voice. However, within our

current system, hought seems to be suppressed, and the mind goes stagnant, or

else swamped and inundated by the multi-media and commercialism of our

capitalist democracy. If we put the human being first and foremost as the center

of consciousness, then all social systems would not repress the basic needs of

the individual.

We still have a need for freedom of thought, although we must take care

not to abuse this luxury, as the matrix grows more tightly rigid, and this Brave

New World will not relaxe its reign on consciousness. Spiritualized materialism,

or existenz, allows us to see that the individual must struggle for his own self

betterment, while still considering and working for those who are weaker and less

fortunate. History teaches us lessons about the future society, but we must not

dwell on them too long, lest the burden of history eat away at our souls and

govern our thought and action. Living in the present, with an eye on the future

will bring us to an evolutionary moment that will satiate the hungry, and inspire

the noble will of humanity, working for the solidarity of tomorrow.


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