Friday, 25 April 2014

Positive Disclosure, JDK, GLP4.

Sean Brennan -- Host, Positive Disclosure.

Pre-production for film documentary, Positive Disclosure, is proceding well for GLP4, with Sean Brennan, as host.  Sean Brennan, inflicted with the HIV+ virus, over a decade ago, has been living with the disease, and despite ongoing pharmaceutical treatment, his health, and psyche are continuing to suffer.  Having had unprotected sex with a transexual, who had not disclosed his/her status throughout the act of intimacy, and without stopping the sexual act, despite the host pleading to discontinue the sexual intercourse, implied an act of aggression, or violence, and rape; that mutual consent throughout the activity had been violated, and disclosure of the possibility of infection of the subject was not resolved, there should be deemed a criminal relationship between the host, and his violator.  GLP4 will be covering this topic of Positive Disclosure, and the legal responsibilities of lovers engaged in sexual activity, when infected with the HIV virus.  When should a subject disclose his/her status in the act of intimacy?  What rights does the subject have when s/he has been unjustly exposed to its infection?  What are the legal implications of such activity, when the diseased status of an aggressive sexual subject is inflicted forcefully upon another during intimacy?  If sexuality is a form of intimacy, then shouldn't the lover be in the position of informing the partner of his/her status?  We must educate people to tolerate this controllable disease, and work towards a greater legal responsibility of a person infected with the HIV virus, to disclose his/her status, positively, to his partner, so that the unlawful spread of the disease is minimised and governed appropriately.  We hope that you continue to follow our production development of the documentary, Positive Disclosure, as it will appear on Green Lion Productions, YouTube channel, later this year.  JD Kruger, GLP4. 

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