Sunday, 6 April 2014

Romantic Poetry -- JD Kruger -- GLP4

Gualberto Machado & Girlfriend -- JD Kruger
Grotto August 5
Anemone has oceans in her eyes.
Waves crash with the blink of one lid.
When both shut the retreating tide
seals lily grottos.  Then crawling

through her lashes into tributaries
scalding with her swing, the boy bathes
in silt to cool. The oyster squirts
blinding with the ink of things.

The squillfish tasted
seasalt on his claws. What sea
anemone allured him like a grain
of sand to cloister.  You must beware

this suction cup, this telephone wire,
the undertoe who takes you under and
drags you through the lashing where
you drown like a drunkard's desire.

JD Kruger -- GLP4
She crosses ice-capped streams, arching
pallid limbs where she lay
mourning ribbons, her lover's clothes
along the milky way.  Her lips part,
curtsy, rein in his dance.  He laps
her stride like an albino cat that mirrors
her step like a silhouette. He shades
the world from her breast like a parasol.

JD Kruger -- GLP4

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